Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cities in the Sky

Floating City 222

Tower of Babel

The only photoshopped elements in this work-in-progress series are the satellite shots from NASA which I screened into the existing blue sky and clouds.

The Gift of Fire

Adding the "human" element to give scale.

The Curio Shop Cat

Taking advantage of a rare, relatively warm day in February, I took my camera and did a lunchtime walking photo shoot in the small town near where I work. Stopping at a small curio shop I took a moment to gaze at the unusual items on display.

The shop was closed for lunch. Who does that anymore?

I was suddenly startled by some movement deep within the shadows of the shop. It was a cat gracefully making his way around the inconsiderately placed items on display. Oblivious to me or my prying camera, he proceeded to find the warmest location in the window and plopped himself down unceremoniously, closing his eyes in buddha-like feline bliss.

I especially like how the swan appears to be preening a creature who in real life would most likely be stalking her as prey.

"Curiouser and curiouser!" cried Alice.