Friday, December 14, 2012

Gin & Bliss

Image by permission by Paink at  Copyright by Paink.

An Everlasting Kiss
Words and Music Copyright 2012 by L. Knox

saw a light on the horizon, dear
saw a light that fueled my fears 
that the end of the world 
will soon be here
but dry your eyes
and wipe those tears

climb in this truck girl and we'll drive away
into the night time and out through the day
living was easy
with nothing to say
 just do your job, son
collect your pay

tonight the stars fall 
around our heads
fire fills the sky
where only angels tread
 I'll bring the gin, dear
 you bring the bliss
and together we'll fade away
in a everlasting kiss…
an everlasting kiss

hold my hand
hold it tight
look into my eyes tonight
and tell me 
one last time...

so many dreams with nothing to show
to many places with nowhere to go
well it's plain to see, love
we reap what we sow
you can dam the river
but still the river flows

tonight the stars fall 
around our heads
fire fills the sky
where only angels tread
I'll bring the gin,  dear
you bring the bliss
and together we'll fade away
in a everlasting kiss…
In an everlasting kiss