Friday, December 14, 2012

Gin & Bliss

Image by permission by Paink at  Copyright by Paink.

An Everlasting Kiss
Words and Music Copyright 2012 by L. Knox

saw a light on the horizon, dear
saw a light that fueled my fears 
that the end of the world 
will soon be here
but dry your eyes
and wipe those tears

climb in this truck girl and we'll drive away
into the night time and out through the day
living was easy
with nothing to say
 just do your job, son
collect your pay

tonight the stars fall 
around our heads
fire fills the sky
where only angels tread
 I'll bring the gin, dear
 you bring the bliss
and together we'll fade away
in a everlasting kiss…
an everlasting kiss

hold my hand
hold it tight
look into my eyes tonight
and tell me 
one last time...

so many dreams with nothing to show
to many places with nowhere to go
well it's plain to see, love
we reap what we sow
you can dam the river
but still the river flows

tonight the stars fall 
around our heads
fire fills the sky
where only angels tread
I'll bring the gin,  dear
you bring the bliss
and together we'll fade away
in a everlasting kiss…
In an everlasting kiss

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Autumn's Edge

Old Friend
Brandywine Creek State Park, Delaware

© Larry Knox 2012 | All Rights Reserved

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Autumn's in the Air

Harvest–by Maxfield Parrish
Prairie Nights
Words and Music Copyright 2012 by L. Knox

Another sleepless night–
it's 3 in the morning,
and the house is still
You left me in the dark
without a warning
without the will
to carry on
to carry on
but I'll climb
back up the hill

The sun comes up
it's a brand new morning
it's a brand new day
My mind's full of questions
the words are forming

but I have nothing to say
but  I'll carry on
I'll carry on
through this darkness 
I'll find my way

I miss your laughter
I miss your smile
hope you find what you were after
since I missed it 
by a country mile
by a country mile…

Those big city lights
like a moth to a flame
took you away–
and you changed your name
but these prairie nights
 hold the only stars 
I'll ever see
and that's all right  by me

I work the fields alone
'til my body's breaking
it helps me to forget
Autumn's in the air 
the blue sky's fading
–a sad silouhette
but I'll carry on
I'll carry on
this life
with no regrets


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ascension at Midnight in the Garden of Dreams

Ascension at Midnight in the Garden of Dreams
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2012 by Larry Knox

The Oracle In the Garden of Dreams
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2012 by Larry Knox

“I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created parasitic wasps with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars.”

I recently witnessed the final death throes of a horned caterpillar as she hung to the stalk of a tomato plant stripped nearly bare by her only days before. The caterpillar had become the unwitting host of a dozen or so parasitic wasp larva which had been injected into her by their birth mother. 

Devouring the surrogate from the inside out–careful not to eat the vital organs that might kill her too early, cutting off their food supply–the satiated young hornets emerged from their ravaged nursery to spin their rice-grained size cocoons. 

When the time was right and with surgical precision, they cut off the cocoon tops to fly away and begin the process anew. 

Life and death in this "Garden of Dreams"–one and the same.

" God didn't produce a ready-made world. The Creator has done something cleverer than this, 
making a world able to make itself. "

Sunday, August 05, 2012

The Agitated Dream–Prague Vision 1912

The Agitated Dream– Prague Vision 1912

Copyright 2012 by Larry Knox

Proposed book cover design.

"One morning, upon awakening from agitated dreams, 
Gregor Samsa found himself, in his bed, transformed into a monstrous vermin."
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Three Pillars of Peace Vision

The Three Pillars of Peace Vision on the Steppes of Asia Minor –Digital Collage
Copyright 2012 by Larry Knox

 "When you cut into the present the future leaks out."
–W. Burroughs

Monday, June 18, 2012

Delaware's Amazing Singing Sands

In 2010 I  was asked to submit photos and design a 6-page spread of Delaware's beautiful Cape Henlopen State Park for the state's prestigious conservation magazine, Outdoor Delaware. The photos were to accompany a fascinating essay on the Cape's mysterious "singing sands" written by Mary Syrett and edited by Beth Shockley.

Some of the images were culled from past excursions while others were shot expressly for the article–arriving before dawn and staying until dusk (when the park closes)–a great way to experience this unique, well-preserved natural resource. 

A .pdf of the 6 page spread may be viewed here:
Delaware's Mysterious Singing Sands

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Tobacco Gang

Completed illustration assignment for Bayhealth Medical Center's Tobacco Cessation program.
The client needed a number of tobacco products illustrated as a rough "gang" to use on a wide variety of advertising collateral including brochures, pamphlets, buttons and billboards (see below). Because of this wide range of usage I chose a vector format so resolution wouldn't be an issue when sizing.
   The primary target audience will be students ranging from grade school to high school so the illustrations needed to appeal to a wide range of ages. Not too cutesy–but not too scary either.
   They also needed to be rendered separately in case certain "members" needed to be highlighted for specific programs.
All illustrations Copyright 2012 by Larry Knox

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Day on the Farm

Old Yeller

Old Yeller in proposed iPad magazine spread.

All images Copyright 2012 by Larry Knox

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Last Houyhnhnm

The Beginning of All Knowledge

The 10th Gate of Jerusalem

All Photography Copyright 2012 by Larry Knox

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Imagination in the Shadows

Photographed at dawn in Blackbird State Forest, Delaware.
Using a tripod I made multiple exposures of the same scene by moving the ball as quickly as possible (before the light changed) to the various locations.

Click on the image to see a larger version.
Copyright 2011 by Larry Knox

Thursday, April 05, 2012


Assawoman Bay, Delaware

Boca Raton, Florida

Salisbury, Maryland

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lift Up Your Glasses

Lift Up Your Glasses
Music and Lyrics Copyright 2012 by Larry Knox

So lift up your  glasses
and I'll sing you a love song
and together
we'll drink 'til
the  dawn

Well she was his girl  
when he left his world
fighting for the red white and blue
and when he returned
his heart scarred and burned
he wasn't the man that she knew

So lift up your  glasses
and I'll sing you a love song
for the wicked
the weak
and the strong

So lift up your glasses
and I'll sing you a love song
and together
we'll drink 'til
the  dawn

For twenty-five years
through laughter and tears
two daughters, five dogs, and a home
in sickness and health
from poverty to wealth
never thought she'd feel so alone

So lift up your glasses
and I'll sing you a love song
for yesterdays’
already gone

So lift up your glasses
and I'll sing you a love song
and together
we'll drink 'til
the dawn

Despite all the pain
we fight to regain
the love that we feel we're all due
it's easy to fall
to call it a draw
while searching for the love that is true


So lift up your glasses
and I'll sing you a love song
for lovers who've
never been

So lift up your glasses
and I'll sing us a love song
and together
we'll drink 'til
the dawn

and together
we'll drink 'til
the dawn