Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Early Light

I spent a good number of weekends this summer on assignment getting up well before dawn and heading out to different locales in hopes of catching the first light in all its glory. Waiting for a cloud bank to move or a fog to lift takes patience. But standing in a marsh or alone in the woodlands waiting for nature to reveal itself in ways you never anticipated has it's own rewards...


  1. These are beautiful images Larry. The second one in particular. I also loved the tiny bug on the petals of the white flower. Amazing work and surely worth the effort! (Better you than me though at those crazy early hours! ;)

  2. Thanks Kelly! Leave it to you to notice the bug. Had to buy knee high rubber boots and wrap a monopod in a hefty bag for the lily shot. It was a little shaky at first and the large turtle surfacing nearby didn't help the situation :)
