Friday, January 07, 2011

Pirates of Prestwick – Part III

The Official 2010 Pirates of Prestwick In-House Class Photo was delayed a month due to the changing production timeline of our annual Resource Catalogue. The finished poster will feature all the 2010 employees of Prestwick House, Inc. portrayed in their finest pirate regalia and hung proudly in the Prestwick Cafe Conference Center. More to come...
Note that clicking on the images below will open a larger version for your enhanced viewing pleasure.

Our Captain of Industry saving his cargo of rum from the Dismal Swamp

Cap'n Scott in a discarded avian-inspired concept

Captain Scott shown during the photo shoot

The Moment of Escape is at Hand!

Vampirate prisoner unleashing her bloodthirsty minions upon her unsuspecting captors...

The King's Viceroy

The Leopard Buccaneer–tattooed with teeth filed into fangs–strikes fear into God-fearing sailors.


  1. Cap'n Scott is for sure the best thing I have seen all day!! :) Makes me homesick for my good friends in Smyrna! (Hello to all!)

  2. Thanks Kelly. We're having way too much fun doing these!

    We miss you too. Hope you stop in on your way down to the beach this year!
